Season 3 • Episode 3

Finding the Common Thread with Noel Ciminello

Every conversation I’ve had with Noel Ciminello has contained laughter, connection, and insight. This is no exception.

Noel is a multi-faceted person. He co-founded a transportation company in Massachusetts called Yes! We Van!, but he’s also been in the banking world for 26 years and began his career designing combat control system for the Navy.

But he’s most proud of being married to his lovely wife, Debbi, and being a father of 4 children.

In this conversation we talk about how Noel uses a smile, eye contact, or laughter (sometimes all three!) to find connection with everyone. He believes that there is good in everyone, that we can learn from every person, and if he’s able to hear their story, he can find the common thread between them.

Connect with Noel Ciminello


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