Season 1 • Episode 1

Leading with Fire & Light with Anne Roche

I should have known when I asked a storyteller to let me interview her, she’d insist on hearing my stories as well.

In this opening episode, Bernadette Jiwa turns the tables on me, acts as host, and pulls out all my stories. We talk about weird school lunches, unusual parents, remarkable teachers, and my journey through law, coaching, and activism.

Although Bernadette and I have never met in person, we recognized each other in the online workshop she was leading because we both showed up full of fire and light. We explore what that combination means and the power it has to create lasting change. I talk about how discovering the dance between fire and light led to my current activism and the creation of this podcast. We also discuss the others – those advocating for change, acting on behalf of equity, and dancing as they stay in the fight.

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